Red Flowers - Spirit of the Bush by Chern'ee Sutton for Kennard & Kennard
Red Flowers is a brilliant print in warm reds and oranges with white an black accents, created by Chern'ee Sutton. This fabric is printed on 100 % high thread count cotton and measures 44" wide.
“In Kalkadoon country the song of ‘The Spirit of the Bush’ can be heard, it is the thread that binds all things together. It can be heard as a whisper sung across the landscape, it can be heard blowing through the tree’s and it can be seen skipping invisibly across the billabongs and rivers forming little ripples.”
Chern’ee comes from the Kalkadoon people of the Mount Isa area in Queensland, Australia. She takes her inspiration from the tales of her people and embraces themes of reconciliation, inclusion, sports and charity. Her style of painting incorporates traditional indigenous motifs, presented in a fresh and harmonious manner. Kennard & Kennard have now incorporated her designs on fabric.
Please note: when you see a ruler in a picture to get an idea of the scale of the design, it is is Centimeters, not Inches. When you see 17 cm, it is approximately 6.5 inches.